Childcare Provider
About the job
This position will be an employee of Grace Community Church. They will be responsible for providing childcare at the church for groups, services, and events as needed.
The ideal candidate will have a relationship with Christ, a passion for caring for children, and will be fully cleared to work with children.
How to apply
The first step is to prayerfully consider whether you are called to full-time ministry or an internship at Grace. If you believe this may be your calling, review the job description and, if you are a good fit, these are your next steps:
Submit a copy of your resume in .pdf or Microsoft Word format via email to resumes@mygcc.org
Complete the SHAPE Assessment found here: SHAPE ASSESSMENT and email the results to resumes@mygcc.org
Complete the Myers Briggs Personality Test found here: 16personalities.com/free-personality-test and email the results to resumes@mygcc.org
Your information will not be considered or reviewed until we have received all of the items listed above.