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Two men having a conversation - Grace Community Church | Cranberry Township PA

men's ministry

Men's ministry

As a ministry of Grace Community Church, our mission is to reach men with the good news of Jesus Christ and teach them to become fully devoted followers of Him.


Our primary focus is to provide various and intentional on ramps where guys can put their toe in the water and check things out. We pray God will meet them where they are and lead them to a passionate pursuit of Jesus

What is momentum?

MoMENtum is our men's ministry which meets for special events, weekly small groups, and serves the local and global communities together.


Our goal is to provide safe, authentic and transparent environments where we can point each other to God, encourage one another, building relationships and community with other guys, resulting in doing life together.


Ultimately? Being changed, becoming more like Jesus, growing in and living a life on purpose, and being the men - the husbands, dads, employers, employees, coaches, neighbors, etc. - that God's created us to be!

Man smiling in church lobby - Grace Community Church | Cranberry Township PA

2025 MoMENtum Calendar

We would love to have you join us for one of our upcoming MoMENtum events! To learn more, click the button below to view the full list of 2025 MoMENtum events.

men's ministry

Two men supporting each other - Grace Community Church | Cranberry Township PA

MoMENtum Connection


MoMENtum Activities



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MoMENtum Serves

Two young adult men having a conversation - Grace Community Church | Cranberry Township PA

MoMENtum Small Groups

Common Questions

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